Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest



Hi everyone! Sorry I look tired again. Mom made us all get up early because Joanie had her blood work appointment. They ran it in-house this time so mom already got the results. The vet said, her thyroid is good at the new dose. They weighed her and she gained a few ounces too. Mom was happy to hear that because Joanie is still living on Temptations. Mom has 8 different kinds and keeps mixing it up so Joanie won’t get bored. The vet told her they are nutritionally complete. Not ideal, but at least she eats those.  I am always willing to help clean up when she doesn’t want something.

We have to get up even earlier tomorrow because mom is going to babysit The Boy. Not here though.

Friday decided she is taking the day off. I am not happy about that. She is only supposed to have the first Tuesday of the month off when Penny does her post. Good help is hard to find when you can’t pay a salary.

I heard mom tell dad she was happy it was me yacking this morning. Wasn’t that mean? She claims she just meant she is glad it wasn’t Joanie because she is on anti-nausea meds and if she yacked while taking those, it would not be good.

My folks have a new nickname for Rudy, Skidmark. I think you can maybe figure out how he got that.

Well, that is all I have for this week.

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

The post Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest first appeared on


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