Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest –



Hi everyone! Happy New Year!!! Do your folks kiss you at the stroke of midnight?

My folks watch the ball on tv drop then they kiss. Then they run around kissing all of us. I think they are a bit crazy.

And mom makes black-eyed peas and says they have to eat them on New Year’s Day for good luck. I am a bit confused because they look more like beans and they don’t have eyes so I think mom cooked the wrong thing.

SO last Wednesday The Great One and Typhoid Mary were here. Typhoid Mary wasn’t feeling well so they were watching tv in the bedroom. And when I hear a tv, I come out looking for my red string. They let me see it for a minute then they hogged the tv so I stood in front of it and blocked it for a while. I did let The Great One Pet me. I kind of like her, but don’t tell anyone.

The girls did open their clinic to all The North Pole visitors. They have a medical, dental and eye clinic. Typhoid Mary refused to see The Grinch for his enlarged heart. She said he is evil. Mom told her doctors have to see everyone, but she would not. I think he needs to sue.

Well, that is all for this week. Penny will be here next week with money saving tips for the new year. Mom would like some money-making tips instead, but Penny is about pinching pennies (as long as no one pinches her).

I wish you all a happy and healthy year!

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.



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