Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest


Hi everyone! Today is Rosie’s day to blab about everything going on at our house.



Oops! Sorry everyone. I was distracted by my youtube red string video. I love chasing that string.

So, it has been pretty quiet here lately. Mom and Grammie went to The Olive Garden with her niece, The Great One and Typhoid Mary, but that is far away so they did not come here for a visit.

It is getting colder here and mom won’t take out our electric blanket until November 1st. That is so unfair!! I hope Joanie continues her campaign to get it sooner. Every night she has been wanting to snuggle with mom the entire night and she insists mom be in a certain position which means mom wakes up with a sore hip. SO maybe she will give in and give us our electric blanket NOW!

Joanie got a new toy dragon just because she was willing to pose for a Halloween photo at the local pet store. We don’t know who won the contest yet, but the competition was fierce. There was a chicken with a slice of bread on each side of her as a chicken sandwich.

Everyone has been behaving so I have nothing else to report.  I must get back to my string.


We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.





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