Weird Angle Sunday Selfie and Photo Fail


Which one should be the selfie and which should be the photo fail?

Mum and I can’t decide but we went with these. First, the Sunday Selfie which Mum took at a weird angle. I think she was too close with her iPhone and my face looks a lot bigger than my body.

tabby cat

And this is the photo fail because I don’t look too pleased and my eyes are dark.

tabby cat with big dark eyes

We are joining The Cat On My Head for Sunday Selfies.

We’re also joining Four-Legged Furballs and 15andmeowing for Friendly Fill-Ins and Melissa and Mudpie for Pet Photo Fails. 


1. I find ________________________ annoying. 

2. _______________ is a favorite charity of mine. 

3. I often have to explain _________ to others. 

4. There’s a lot of _________ in my life these days.


1. I find most people annoying for too many reasons to list here.

3. I often have to explain my anxiety to others though I don’t like to talk about it as I don’t think they understand if they have no experience of it. 

4. There’s a lot of anxiety and stress in my life these days.


1. I find other cats in my garden annoying. 

2. Woodgreen Pets Charity is a favorite charity of mine. They rescued me so Mum and I will forever be grateful to them.

3. I often have to meow my frustration to others. I meow at Mum when she ignores me or won’t go to the kitchen to get my food.

4. There’s a lot of worried looks from my family these days. Mum and Gran look sad all the time, but when I’m in the room I do make them laugh. They need to smile a bit even though they are both grieving for Uncle John.


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