Penny’s Tips Volume 146



Hi everyone! I am hanging out in my cat tree in the kitchen. It was on the enclosed porch and mom was going to put it upstairs where the ferals hang out during the day, but I stymied her. I want this tree in the kitchen, too bad if it is in her way. Her stove and refrigerator are in my way, but I don’t complain.

My tip today is about books. I know a couple of websites my mom uses to read books for free. She gets most books from the library, but some books are just not available in any of the libraries we can loan from. There was a book mom couldn’t get at the library, but found for free, Dreaming Bears: A G’wichin Indian Storyteller , A Southern Doctor, A Wild Corner of Alaska by Michael J Holloway.

One place is Project Guttenberg- click here

and Read Any Book has a lot of new ones like Prince Harry’s Spare. Mom doesn’t want to read that, it is just an example. Click here.


We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.


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